Class SemanticRecord::Base
In: lib/semantic_record/base.rb
Parent: Object



base  [RW] 
connection  [RW] 
rdf_type  [RW] 
uri  [R] 
uri  [RW] 

Public Class methods


     # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 106
106:       def self.base
107:         @base ||= ""
108:       end


    # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 94
94:       def self.count
95:         TripleManager.count
96:       end


     # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 118
118:       def self.find
119:         # if self isn't an inherited form of this
120:         # class then return all existing instances        
121:         if self == SemanticRecord
122:           s = "?nil"
123:         else
124:           uri = URI.parse self.uri #"#{self.base}#{self}"
125:           if uri.absolute && uri.path
126:             s = "<#{uri.to_s}>"
127:           else
128:             raise ArgumentError, "base uri seems to be invalid"
129:           end
130:         end
131:         instances_response = TripleManager.get_subjects(s)
133:       end


     # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 114
114:       def self.find_by_sparql(query)
115:         TripleManager.get_by_sparql(query,true)
116:       end


     # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 110
110:       def self.find_by_uri
112:       end


    # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 89
89:       def self.inherited(receiver)
90:         receiver.base = self.base
91:         receiver.rdf_type = "http://"
92:       end


    # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 14
14:       def initialize(uri)
15:         @uri = uri
16:         @presaved_attributes = {}
18:         TripleManager.describe(uri)
20:         if self.new_record?                 
21:          self.rdf_type = self.class
22:         end
23:       end


     # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 98
 98:       def self.rdf_type
 99:         @rdf_type ||= ""
100:       end


     # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 102
102:       def self.uri
103:         @uri ||= "#{self.base}#{self}"
104:       end

Public Instance methods


    # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 35
35:       def attribute(p_uri)
36:         TripleManager.property_for(uri,p_uri)
37:       end


    # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 39
39:       def attributes
40:         TripleManager.properties_for(uri)
41:       end


    # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 43
43:       def destroy!
44:          remove = 
45:          "<transaction>
46:           <remove>
47:             <uri>#{uri}</uri>
48:             <null/>
49:             <null/>
50:           </remove>
51:           </transaction>"      
52:         connection.add!(remove, "application/x-rdftransaction")
53:       end


    # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 81
81:       def method_missing(mth,*args)
82:         if mth.id2name.end_with?("=")
83:           proxy_setter(mth,*args)
84:         else
85:           proxy_getter(mth,*args)
86:         end
87:       end


    # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 25
25:       def new_record?
26:         exists = TripleManager.exists_as_subject?(self.uri)
28:         !exists
29:       end


    # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 55
55:       def save
56:         if new_record?
57:           begin 
58:             @presaved_attributes.each {|predicate,value|
59:               value.each do |val|
60:                    TripleManager.add(uri,predicate,val)
61:               end
63:               @presaved_attributes.delete(predicate)
64:             }
65:           rescue
66:             return false
67:           end           
68:         else
69:           begin
71:             TripleManager.update(uri,@presaved_attributes)
72:             @presaved_attributes = {}
73:           rescue ArgumentError
74:             puts $!
75:             return false
76:           end
77:         end
78:         true
79:       end


    # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 31
31:       def type
32:         proxy_getter(:rdf_type)
33:       end

Protected Instance methods


     # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 154
154:     def expand(name)
155:         ns, predicate = name.id2name.split("_",2)
156:         if predicate.blank? 
157:           raise Namespaces::NoPredicateError, "no valid predicate defined"
158:         end
159:         namespace = Namespaces.resolve(ns)
161:         predicate = predicate.chomp("=")
163:         return namespace + predicate
164:       end


     # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 142
142:       def proxy_getter(mth,*args)
144:         predicate = mth.to_sym.expand#(mth)
146:         if @presaved_attributes.has_key?(predicate)
147:            value_response = @presaved_attributes[predicate]
148:         else
149:            value_response = TripleManager.get_objects(uri,predicate,*args)  
150:         end
152:       end


     # File lib/semantic_record/base.rb, line 137
137:       def proxy_setter(mth,*args)
138:         predicate = mth.to_sym.expand#(mth)
139:         @presaved_attributes[predicate] = args.flatten
140:       end
